Tag: B’anax

  • 高天生,最後的紋面勇士


    高天生(Yawi Noming)爺爺來自苗栗泰安的天狗部落(B’anax),是之前全世界僅存唯一還留有紋面的泰雅族男性。有次他受訪時,曾這樣回憶起當初紋面的過程: 「紋面當天的過程,是用四根針固定在木頭上,樣子看起來像刷子,在臉上敲打…… 好痛!唉!」He recalled the process of having the tattoo in one personal inerview years ago, they used a wood fixed by four needles to prick around on his face, and then dyed with the dyes made from Taiwan red pine: “My face was bleeding. It was so hurt!”]]>