Tag: Takao

  • 「高雄」還在,「高雄人」為什麼不見了?


    馬卡道族人的「打狗」部落,最早在 1604 年陳第的《東番記》裡就有記載:「東番夷人不知所自始,居彭湖外洋海島中;起魍港、加老灣,歷大員、堯港、打狗嶼、小淡水、雙溪口、加哩林、沙巴里、大幫坑,皆其居也。」 高雄以前叫「打狗」,所以當時高雄旁的島,就已經被叫「打狗嶼」;而現在的柴山,早期叫「打鼓山」,就是從「打狗山」演變來的;那麼而現在遊人如織、美麗的愛河呢?在很早很早以前也叫「打狗川」……Kaohsiung, the second largest city in Taiwan. This was where the indigenous people, Makatao were supposed to be, and too the place name is in the language of Makatao as takao, which means “bamboo forest”; just like the famous Love River of Kaohsiung nowadays used to be called the Takao River. ]]>